What happens after your free trial is over?

We've provided several options to continue to access this platform for free for a full year. You also have the option to pay $100/year for full access. To learn more about why we charge and your payment options, click below. We'll also email you directly with this information when your trial is over.

What are Second Day career guides?

We've spent hundreds of hours interviewing professionals, doing research, and compiling advice and best practices on launching careers in a range of social impact careers. We update these guides regularly based on conversations with people working in the field and will add new ones based on demand from you!

  • Entry-level roles that are available in your industry of interest

  • Tips on how to actually get those jobs

  • Actionable items you can take to make progress towards finding that first job

Workshops + Webinars

RSVP for live sessions with the Second Day community to discuss and work through different questions you have about social impact careers.

Need more support?

We also offer one-on-one sessions with the Second Day team to help you create a job search plan, review your application materials, practice interview questions, or address other questions individually.